2007年12月23日 星期日
2007年12月22日 星期六
The Plane of This Semester
主軸 (積極開始中40%)
英文 (還剩下一個考試)
3D MAX(積極開始中80%)
人文電影(2500字 0%)
英文 (還剩下一個考試)
3D MAX(積極開始中80%)
人文電影(2500字 0%)
2007年12月21日 星期五
Taiwan is out of competition?
Politics in Taiwan is more and more worse in recent years.
Because of most people still believe some carpetbaggers.
The worse of all,there are a lot of people does'nt know how ascensive countries around Taiwan in Asia.
In fact,I do'nt much understand politics.
I just a little disappointed about politics in Taiwan.
The advancement is too slowly in Taiwan for the most part is politics.
Now i started to cherish the memory of Taiwan before 2000 year.
Because of most people still believe some carpetbaggers.
The worse of all,there are a lot of people does'nt know how ascensive countries around Taiwan in Asia.
In fact,I do'nt much understand politics.
I just a little disappointed about politics in Taiwan.
The advancement is too slowly in Taiwan for the most part is politics.
Now i started to cherish the memory of Taiwan before 2000 year.
2007年12月17日 星期一
The relationship with my parents
It is been a long time since my family came to live in Songshan.
Because of business is work on here,and convenient to relax rightaway.
In this year beginning,we started to live in Songshan.
For myself,live in Songshan is really helps me go to school rightaway.
But in the evening,here is really hard to fullasleep
because my home just next the big road,and there are alway have some noisy bike on it.......
The real poit in this artical is about the relationship with my parents.
We only sell woman's jeans in "五分埔".
And sell these king of thing is my mother speciality,so my mother is really busy on this work.
Then,my dad was became boring because there not too much things he can help.
So,he started to have a maggot in his head and to doubt am i really study hard or not?
Is almost 1 year when we live in Sonshan.
My schoolwork and my mother's business are settled.But my father seems like too borong to made him badmood.
When he have badmood,he strated to condemn my mother and me with some boring reasons.
Now my home is at strage atmosphere all the time.
It's really have to attach importance to my father.
Because of business is work on here,and convenient to relax rightaway.
In this year beginning,we started to live in Songshan.
For myself,live in Songshan is really helps me go to school rightaway.
But in the evening,here is really hard to fullasleep
because my home just next the big road,and there are alway have some noisy bike on it.......
The real poit in this artical is about the relationship with my parents.
We only sell woman's jeans in "五分埔".
And sell these king of thing is my mother speciality,so my mother is really busy on this work.
Then,my dad was became boring because there not too much things he can help.
So,he started to have a maggot in his head and to doubt am i really study hard or not?
Is almost 1 year when we live in Sonshan.
My schoolwork and my mother's business are settled.But my father seems like too borong to made him badmood.
When he have badmood,he strated to condemn my mother and me with some boring reasons.
Now my home is at strage atmosphere all the time.
It's really have to attach importance to my father.
2007年12月16日 星期日
Have to work hard and concentrate on this semester work.
Including English class report and show =__="
Especially flashgame.....
Actually,i really can not to guaratee this flashgame fun or boring....
Including English class report and show =__="
Especially flashgame.....
Actually,i really can not to guaratee this flashgame fun or boring....
2007年12月8日 星期六
遂に完成した『Climax Jump DEN-Liner form』のプロモーションビデオが、次回44話のオープニングに(一部)登場します!
そしてこの PV こそ、イマジンたちの悪ノリにそのまま悪ノリして産まれたものに他なりません。
有名アーティストたちの PV を制作してきたエイベックスのスタッフが、その総力を結集して、本気でモモタロスたちを撮影しているその様子は、まさに常軌を逸しているとしか言いようのない景色でした。
それでも、初めての PV の撮影とその映像のインパクトに、笑い声の絶えない現場でした。最初のうちは……。
彼らの脳裏には、あの超ハードな DVD の撮影が甦ってきていたのでした。
このできたてホヤホヤのイマジン PV が、先日大泉の東映撮影所に届けられた時のこと。
偶然にも編集室の隣では、佐藤君、中村君、そしてイマジンの声優の皆さんがアフレコ中でした。休憩中、この PV を全員で鑑賞することになり、一度再生ボタンを押すやいなや……爆笑の嵐。
と、いうわけで、イマジン好きは涙無しでは見られない『Climax Jump DEN-Liner form』の映像に是非ご期待ください。次回は全員そろって一緒にジャンプしましょう!
INFORMATION FROM http://www.toei.co.jp/tv/index.htm
遂に完成した『Climax Jump DEN-Liner form』のプロモーションビデオが、次回44話のオープニングに(一部)登場します!
そしてこの PV こそ、イマジンたちの悪ノリにそのまま悪ノリして産まれたものに他なりません。
有名アーティストたちの PV を制作してきたエイベックスのスタッフが、その総力を結集して、本気でモモタロスたちを撮影しているその様子は、まさに常軌を逸しているとしか言いようのない景色でした。
それでも、初めての PV の撮影とその映像のインパクトに、笑い声の絶えない現場でした。最初のうちは……。
彼らの脳裏には、あの超ハードな DVD の撮影が甦ってきていたのでした。
このできたてホヤホヤのイマジン PV が、先日大泉の東映撮影所に届けられた時のこと。
偶然にも編集室の隣では、佐藤君、中村君、そしてイマジンの声優の皆さんがアフレコ中でした。休憩中、この PV を全員で鑑賞することになり、一度再生ボタンを押すやいなや……爆笑の嵐。
と、いうわけで、イマジン好きは涙無しでは見られない『Climax Jump DEN-Liner form』の映像に是非ご期待ください。次回は全員そろって一緒にジャンプしましょう!
INFORMATION FROM http://www.toei.co.jp/tv/index.htm
2007年12月6日 星期四
2007年12月3日 星期一
"因為最接近人類 人類最能接的去適應它"
"因為最接近人類 人類最能接的去適應它"
2007年12月2日 星期日
2007年12月1日 星期六
I'm study in kindergarten...YA~~~~
Lately,I suddenly felt my school is just like a kindergarden.
In this school,almost a lot of students are playing all day and didn't care about why are they came here.
Not only most of students are not concentrate on there study but also teacher are almost not work hard and really have great knowledge can give us.
According my observation,I do not understand some teachers can teacher in this "university".
For example,there are one new teacher come to be our tutor.
But he is really fxcking "out of condition",he always just care about our flash programe is better than his standar or not.He is never really care about our concepts are good enough or not.
The worse of all,he was not only critisizes your programe was suck but also love to limit our concepts.
Because of these strange teachers in this faculty,some study hard students understood this condition and does not want to rely on these teachers so they really have to care about themselves and study hard in some good teachers class and read something really good books.
Just complain.......do not to serious care about this article.
(I know my English is broke)
In this school,almost a lot of students are playing all day and didn't care about why are they came here.
Not only most of students are not concentrate on there study but also teacher are almost not work hard and really have great knowledge can give us.
According my observation,I do not understand some teachers can teacher in this "university".
For example,there are one new teacher come to be our tutor.
But he is really fxcking "out of condition",he always just care about our flash programe is better than his standar or not.He is never really care about our concepts are good enough or not.
The worse of all,he was not only critisizes your programe was suck but also love to limit our concepts.
Because of these strange teachers in this faculty,some study hard students understood this condition and does not want to rely on these teachers so they really have to care about themselves and study hard in some good teachers class and read something really good books.
Just complain.......do not to serious care about this article.
(I know my English is broke)
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