It is been a long time since my family came to live in Songshan.
Because of business is work on here,and convenient to relax rightaway.
In this year beginning,we started to live in Songshan.
For myself,live in Songshan is really helps me go to school rightaway.
But in the evening,here is really hard to fullasleep
because my home just next the big road,and there are alway have some noisy bike on it.......
The real poit in this artical is about the relationship with my parents.
We only sell woman's jeans in "五分埔".
And sell these king of thing is my mother speciality,so my mother is really busy on this work.
Then,my dad was became boring because there not too much things he can help.
So,he started to have a maggot in his head and to doubt am i really study hard or not?
Is almost 1 year when we live in Sonshan.
My schoolwork and my mother's business are settled.But my father seems like too borong to made him badmood.
When he have badmood,he strated to condemn my mother and me with some boring reasons.
Now my home is at strage atmosphere all the time.
It's really have to attach importance to my father.